My trekking to Langtang

I was very excited to go for trek for the very first time in my life. We travel from Kathmandu Kakani Trishuli Dhunche and Syapru. We stayed overnight in Syapru. On day 2 we started hiking to Pairo and stay overnight in Lama Hotel. We walked closely with Langtang River. On 3rd day we pass through River side, Ghodatabala and we stayed in Langtang. All the greenness are gone from Ghodatabala. On 4th Day we trekked to Kyanjin Gumpa, there were no trees, only the big mountain on both sides. Kyanjin Gumpa was a piece of Switzerland. Before Dark, I hiked to Kyanjin Ri, it was beautiful from there to see Langtang Lirung. On 5th Day we hiked down to Lama Hotel and stay there. On 6th Day, we stayed in Syabru. We took shower and went to Rasuwa gadi. On day 7th we returned to Kathmandu. It was beautiful Memory.

Reuben, Sam, Ryan, Dhruba, Emily and Halley, Australia

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